Register and login
1.If you are already a member, please click sign in and enter your User ID and Password directly to login
2.If you do not have a User account yet, you can either create an account in the register screen on above or you can create an account when you check out for shopping.
Method one
①Click “Register Now”
②Follow the on screen instruction and fill in User ID, Password, E-mail, Country/Region, then click “Agree and Submit”
③After you have successfully registered on, you can login to to edit your personal information or go back to main page and start shopping.
(2)Create an account while you check out during shopping
After you add the product to shopping cart you can click the “Checkout” button and it will lead you to the screen for register, you can click “Register Now” to fill in information such as User ID, password, Email etc.
Searching for products
1.By typing products name or keywords in the search box and enter or click “search” button, shoppingctr will help you to find all related products
2.You can also look for the products you needs by browsing through different categories.
Beside browse products by categories you can also browse by products brand name
View product details
You can click on products photo to view details information about the products, such as original price, your saving, detailed descriptions etc. You can also leave your comments about the products for other user to view. You can also enlarge the photo by moving the cursor onto the product photo.
Add to shopping cart
1.You can click the “add to cart” button to add the product into shopping cart.
2.Check your shopping cart
You can always click the “Checkout button” to view what items is in the shopping cart or you can click the “Shopping cart” button next to the Search button
3.Using the shopping cart
When you are in the shopping cart screen you can do:
(1)Change the quantity you want to buy
(2)Delete and remove products from your shopping carts
Fill incontact information for delivery
When fill in contact information make sure you have correctly put in your name and delivery address to make sure you receive the products properly.
You can choose online payment by either Alipay or Paypal
Confirmation and submit
In checkout screen by default will use the last setting on payment method, delivery name and address etc. After you have confirmed all information is correct you can click “Submit order” button> Submit the order.
(1)If you need to change any information you can click the “Edit” button in Check out screen
(2)In your check out screen you can see your order no., after you have submit the order, shoppingctr will automatically send you a confirmation by email.
(3)After you successfully place your order,you can
If you have any concern you can use the menu on the left side and view the different topics. Thank you and enjoy shopping with shoppingctr.